
Fellowships and awards granted by the AAAC

The AAAC currently has two awards. One for outstanding PhD dissertations, to be awarded to early career researchers. The second is for members with outstanding contributions to the community, who will be awarded a fellowship in the AAAC.

Best PhD dissertation award 2025

We welcome submissions to the AAAC Outstanding Dissertation Award, which will recognize the most outstanding research contributions from recently graduated PhD students within the Affective Computing community. The winner will be awarded free registration or a refund of fees for AClI2025, 4 nights hotel and talk at the conference.



  • Eligible dissertations must have been successfully completed between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024. An award date that is appropriate to the student’s institution is acceptable, for example, graduation date, examination date, or final thesis acceptance date.
  • Candidates will only be eligible to apply once for this award.
  • At the time of application, the candidate must be an AAAC member
  • Only dissertations written in English will be considered. If a dissertation was written in another language, please submit an English translation.
  • Each nominated dissertation must be on a topic relevant to Affective Computing. The determination of whether a dissertation is within scope for the award will be made by the AAAC Best PhD Dissertation Award Committee.


Preparing and Submitting

PDF format is preferred for textual materials. Supplementary materials must be multi-platform. Submit by emailing content no larger than 25MB as attachments or by links to hosted documents to: Gary McKeown <>.


The deadline for submission is 31 March 2025.


Submissions for the award must include:

  • A published paper that is representative of the dissertation.
  • The dissertation.
  • Statement from the PhD advisor confirming eligibility as well as addressing why the nominee’s dissertation should receive this award (max 1 page). The statement should address the contribution of the dissertation, not simply repeat the information in the abstract.


Award Review Process

Each submission will be preliminary reviewed by the AAAC Best PhD Dissertation Award Committee. Short-listed submissions will be sent to a panel of experts selected by the AAAC Executive Committee to evaluate the quality, contribution, and impact as demonstrated by the submitted thesis and supplementary materials. The winner will be announced by July 2025.


Award Committee

The Committee will be experts chosen based on the short list of dissertations resulting from the preliminary review.



Please send questions to Gary McKeown <>.

With every ACII conference the AAAC recognizes members that have made significant, sustained contributions to the field of affective computing. The AAAC Fellows Program honors a small percentage of the AAAC membership. Fellows are recognized as having achieved unusual distinction in the profession.

A Fellow may be recognized for individual technical or scientific contributions or a significant extended service to the field. Evidence of technical and scientific contribution typically will include publications, but other evidence will also be considered, such as patents or awards of longstanding contributions to an industrial group effort.

Fellows are selected by the Fellows Selection Committee, which is comprised of the current Fellows and members of the AAAC Executive Committee.

Election as an AAAC Fellow is a lifetime honor. Fellows are expected to be role models and exemplars of our community’s professional ethical standards and scientific integrity.

The Selection Committee encourages applications from fellows in science, academia, and industry from all nations. We also encourage applications for people with traditionally underrepresented identities within computing and technology.



AAAC Members are eligible to nominate distinguished scientists for recognition as AAAC Fellows. To nominate a candidate, please read and complete the following instructions.

The nomination for Fellows is an open and continuous process. Please use this form to submit your nominations, which asks you to describe the career, major achievements and contributions of the nominee. Any member of the association can make a nomination. Nominations should be emailed to the AAAC Awards committee members Gary McKeown, Jon Gratch, Georgios Yannakakis, or  Bjoern Schuller


Selection Process:

The Fellows Selection Committee will review and make a final decision that will be announced at the ACII conference each year. The committee maintains a list of nominees. Conflict of interest considerations will be considered when forming the selection committee. Nominations for people who wish to be eligible for consideration for the next ACII conference must provide their details by the end of July of that year. 

This is the list of current fellows of the AAAC.

Nomination year: 2023

Nomination year: 2022

Nomination year: 2021

  1. Jonathan Gratch
  2. Björn W. Schuller

Nomination year: 2019

  1. Jeffrey Cohn
  2. Roddy Cowie
  3. Rosalind Picard