
Conferences sponsored by the AAAC

ACII 2025: OCTOBER 8-11, 2025

The ACII 2025 organising committee is delighted to bring the ACII conference series to Australia for the first time. ACII 2025 will be an in-person event held at the Hotel Realm conference venue in Canberra, Australia. The theme for ACII 2025 is Socially Responsible Affective Computing.

ACII 2024: 12th international conference on affective computing & intelligent interaction in Glasgow, UK

The annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC, formerly known as Humaine) is the premier international forum for research on affective and multimodal human-machine interaction and systems. ACII 2024 will be held in person at the Glasgow Grosvenor Hotel, Scotland, UK. The theme for ACII 2024 is 'Human and beyond' (e.g., animals, virtual agents, and robots).

ACII 2023: 11th international conference on affective computing & intelligent interaction at the MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA

The annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC, formerly known as Humaine) is the premier international forum for research on affective and multimodal human-machine interaction and systems. ACII 2023 will be held in person at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge Massachusetts, USA, the birthplace of affective computing, and it will be be based around the theme “Affective Computing: Context and Multimodality”.

ACII 2022: 10th international conference on affective computing & intelligent interaction in Nara, Japan

The annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC, formerly known as Humaine) is the premier international forum for research on affective and multimodal human-machine interaction and systems. ACII 2022 will be hosted in person in Nara, Japan, but participants can also join virtually. ACII 2022 will be based around the theme “Affective computing for mental and physical well-being”.

ACII 2021: 9th international conference on affective computing & intelligent interaction in GatherTown

The Bi-annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC, formerly known as Humaine) is the premier international forum for research on affective and multimodal human-machine interaction and systems. ACII 2021 will be a virtual event. ACII 2021 will be based around the theme of Ethical Affective Computing considering ethical uses, fairness and bias in emotional AI.

ACII 2019: 8th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction in Cambridge, UK

The Bi-annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC, formerly known as Humaine) is the premier international forum for research on affective and multimodal human-machine interaction and systems. This meeting is Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society. ACII 2019 will be held in Cambridge, the home of the University of Cambridge, founded in 1209 and one of the top five universities in the world. We envision 2019 to be the year by when the affective computing technologies leave their sheltered lab environments to become available and accessible to everyone in every domain, including industry, school, office, home, entertainment and even outdoor environments. Therefore, ACII 2019 will be based around the theme of Affective Computing for ALL (AC4ALL) and will focus on inclusive technology, inclusive design principles and inclusive user interfaces which “consider the full range of human diversity with respect to ability, language, culture, gender, age and other forms of human difference.”

ACII 2017: 7th affective computing and intelligent interaction conference, Texas, USA

The Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC) invites you to join us at our seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2017), which will be held in San Antonio, Texas on October 23-26, 2017. The Conference series on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction is the premier international forum interdisciplinary research on the design of systems that can recognize, interpret, and simulate human emotions and related affective phenomena. A theme of this ACII2017 will be to emphasize the affective computing in action. The theme will showcase how affective computing can impact scientific knowledge and address societal challenges. Submissions related to the theme are especially encouraged. A selection of the best articles at ACII2017 will be invited to submit extended versions to IEEE’s Transactions on Affective Computing (Impact Factor: 1.873). These will be published in a “Best of ACII” special section in this premier journal. Proceedings will be published on IEEExplore. IEEE CS is a technical co-sponsor of ACII 2017.

ACII 2015: 6th affective computing and intelligent interaction, Xian, China

The Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing invites you to join us at our sixth International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2015), which will be held in the historic city Xi’an, China on September 21-24, 2015.The Conference series on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction is the premier international forum interdisciplinary research on the design of systems that can recognize, interpret, and simulate human emotions and related affective phenomena. A theme of this ACII2015 will be to emphasize the biological underpinnings of affective computing. Within affective science more broadly, there is an explosion of interest in a range of biological processes that underlie and shape emotion experience including a growing understanding of how emotion is represented in the brain (through neuro-anatomy a neural imaging), how it prepares and shapes the body (through hormonal, metabolic and cardiovascular changes) and even how certain genes can underlie affective dispositions edition.  Submissions that relate these biological foundations to the design of computational systems are especially encouraged.A selection of the best articles at ACII2015 will be invited to submit extended versions to IEEE’s Transactions on Affective Computing (Impact Factor: 3.467). These will be published in a “Best of ACII” special issue of this premier journal. Proceedings will be published by the IEEE, and indexed in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

ACII 2013

ACII 2011

ACII 2009


ACII 2007


ACII 2005


Proposals to host the Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction must conform to the following guidelines adopted by the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing.

Call for bids ACII2024 link

ACII organisation guidelines link

Proposals to host the Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction must conform to the following guidelines adopted by the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing

Review Criteria

  • Originality: Paper describes original results, or original analysis of previously published results. If the paper includes any results or analysis previously published by this or any other author, the boundary between published and novel work is clearly delimited by appropriate citation.

  • Significance: Results and analysis are of potential interest to others working in the field of affective computing.

  • Correctness: Derivations and algorithms are correct.

  • Clarity: Motivation, methods, results, and analysis are clear.

Review Process

  • Double blind process: papers are submitted anonymously; reviewers remain anonymous as well.
    Program committee: members of the PC cover the various domains of ACII. Their role is to review a certain number of papers following the review criteria listed above.

  • Senior program committee: for each assigned paper, their role is to check the quality of the reviews and open discussions among reviewers to arrive to a consensus, if possible, for each paper. During this discussion period a rebuttal procedure might be organized. This is, however, not a mandatory requirement.

  • The senior program committee of the ACII conference is subject to final approval by the AAAC.

Submission guidelines

One can choose allowing for short papers to be submitted besides the long papers. They should not differ in quality.

  • Long papers describe high-quality mature work

  • Short papers can present novel and original ideas that are still in a preliminary stage of development

Registration Fees

Pricing for the conference must be approved by the Executive Committee of the AAAC. The committee will judge pricing on fairness and a number of other criteria.

  • Organizers may require that at least one author register for the conference for a paper to be included in the proceedings

  • For each paper one of the authors needs to pay a registration fee. The registration fee can cover several papers by the author.

  • AAAC members must be offered a reduced fee.

  • Non-AAAC members must be offered membership in the Association. The fee for non-AAAC members has to be equal to the fee for AAAC members plus at least the AAAC membership fee. Non-AAAC members can decide whether or not they become a member. In case they become a member, the fee is transferred to the AAAC.

  • Students pay a reduced registration fee.

Budget Guidelines

The budget for the conference has to be approved by the AAAC’s Executive Committee. Budgets will be judged on a number of criteria.

ACII conferences are intended to be non-profit. To keep the registration fees as low as possible, the work inside the organizing group is normally not charged to the conference, but regarded as internal sponsorship. Engagement of external sponsors is encouraged. These could either be local (e.g. university, industry or grant-giving agencies) or co-organisers such as EU organizations (ESPRIT/COST).

The Association is not currently able to guarantee financial support to cover losses that might be incurred by conference organizers.

Conference proposals that include some form of profit sharing to help establish a “buffer fund” (to cover possible losses at future conferences) will be favourably considered.

A Doctoral consortium should be organized:

As for the main conference, an organizing committee should ensure:

  • Long papers are submitted

  • Program committee members are defined

  • The review is geared toward the pertinence and originality of the subject as well as the proposed methodology

Website Guidelines

  • The AAAC logo must be included on the website

  • The website needs to clearly mention that this is the: Bi-annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing

  • The website of the ACII conferences must contain a link to the AAAC website

Publication Guidelines

  • The AAAC logo must be included on the front cover of the proceedings

  • The title of the proceedings is to be “Proceedings of the Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Conference [YEAR] – ACII [YEAR]”

Contact Us

For more information or to discuss a future conference, please contact us.

contact aaac